Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Kartause VLOG #1--Welcome to Gaming!

Well here it is! What you've all been waiting for!....the Kartause video blog, chronicling  our adventures here in Gaming, Austria. We put it on an actual blog because blogger is easy to deal with  we wanted to design the template and still  make it  public and easily accessible without arousing too much unwanted attention (like on Youtube). The idea is for our family and friends to be able to see our adventures throughout Europe in a little more realistic quality than pictures and skype and hopefully enjoy some of the sights and sounds we experience along the way. :)

We miss you all back home and hope that this will help keep us all connected until we make our way back to the home sod on December 14th!

All right, enough babbling, watch the video!


  1. I LOVED it! The rose and the wine, "I didn't lose mine, haha!", the gorgeous courtyard, "princess stairs, except you would fall down them in princess heels" (: Can't wait to see more, this is so fun you guys!

  2. hahaha i know. alex's chuckle after "I did not lose mine, though" is priceless. ;)

  3. Alex, you make me laugh:-)
    So great to see/hear both of you!!! Keep posting!

